I also received my Asthma UK running vest today, it’s a little smaller than I had hoped however so I may need to purchase a slightly larger one, in case I don’t loose all the weight that I want to during my training, it does fit but leaves nothing to the imagination!
To the training, Today I was low on fuel. I’m not 100% sure why but figure it is the combination of an interesting diet over the weekend with very few complex carbs and quite allot of fast burn sugar’s (Left over cheesecake mainly… oops) so that left me a little low on energy but I still managed most of my resistance, with exception of “The Plank’s” (Yeah plural, I have to do two different types and more sets than I care to remember) and I ran a good 4k in total too, but I had no more energy to carry on, so I headed to the Jacuzzi…
When I got down there the Jacuzzi was still open as was the steam room and the sauna, but the pool was closed “Due to unforeseen circumstances” Having discovered what these were later I was not surprised, but I have to admit sitting in the Jacuzzi at the end of a huge empty pool was a little surreal, it just didn’t seem right with no people swimming up and down and the odd person bobbing along doing their Aqua Walk exercises… I actually have no idea if that’s what it’s called but it sounds a good name for it, what they do is literally walk slowly up the pool bobbing along, some people have their hands out the water, some in the water, when they get to the other end, they then walk backwards up the pool… I have often thought that what with people swimming towards them concentrating on their breathing and staring at the floor of the pool, and them walking backwards (not always in the straight line) not really looking, maybe they should have a reverse warning, not only this but I also wonder if they choose this pool specifically as it has no deep end, could be interesting if they suddenly put one in ;-) but then I think I am just a little cruel!!
Breakfast today consisted of an Apple and a couple of Bananas, lovely… I do think though that I need to get some cereal in me in the mornings… perhaps Fruit and Fibre… I used to love that stuff, Lunch was Cheese and salad sandwiches… and more salad on the side, again yum… although I did feel like a bunny rabbit afterwards, but plenty of fruit and veg in me today, and this evening I am out for a meal with the theatre group I am a member of, so not sure what I will be eating then, but I can say I am a little peckish now.
Now down to business, 5.4 Million people in the UK alone have asthma, Asthma UK is campaigning for free prescriptions in England , funding research into cures and treatments and providing information and advice to help people manage their asthma… Around 250,000 people have severe Asthma meaning they don’t respond to conventional treatments and their lives can be a constant battle against the symptoms of asthma, Asthma UK with our help and support are working to make their lives easier, to find out more please visit http://www.asthma.org.uk and please pop along to my virgin money giving fundraising page http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me, OR if you prefer the old fashioned way let me know and next time I see you ill stick a sponsorship form under your nose… Hey, why not even sponsor me a sum per mile?! It’s 26 miles incase you wondered ;)
Catch you all soon,
Jay (Red John).
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