I was late again this morning *Shock Horror* so didn’t settle onto the treadmill until about 6:55, but undeterred I started to set-up my run.
I decided at this point, that as I was running late I would limit my run to 1 hour as opposed to 10K, and of course 5 minutes on the end for a cool down, so I began to run… I was fine for the first 10 minutes, and up to quite a pace, just under 11 KPH, but I soon realised this was a hard pace to sustain, luckily the training music I had piped into my brain slow just ever so slightly that I was about to drop to 10.5 KPH doesn’t sound allot but boy did it feel it, again I was okay until I got to my 4km, at this point, I felt the need to slow a little more and came to a fast jog, I only stayed here for a minute however and soon upped the pace again as frankly I got a little bored, well at this point the people I was watching outside doing their Boot Camp looked like they were standing around just drinking water, as opposed to the dramatic throwing of tyres that had been going on up to this point!!
So with the music in my head and the gym around me blocked out I carried on running at a steady 10.3KPH, I ran on without to much problem until I got to the 6.5K mark, things started to hurt at this point, mostly my feet, but also muscles, it is rare for my legs to ache WHILE I am running so this for me was a first, but then running 10K and even running for an hour are a first for me, so I am not surprised… I pushed on through, the Boot camp were a welcome distraction, watching them hoist heavy things around and run up and down seemed to keep me entertained, and the music I was listening to by AudioFuel kept me focused and with it, I was refusing to give up.
I got to 9K, by this time I had been staring at the screen the whole way through the last K and had thoughts of hitting the “Cool Down” when I got to 9K, but some little voice in my head said “No, do it, keep it up, keep going, this is the first of many small goals, don’t give up” so with 9K on the clock and about 3 minutes left, I upped the speed just a tad and turned the music up, I blocked everything out, all that mattered was running till that treadmill slowed down, all that mattered was doing the best that I could I was losing myself in the moment, totally…
Next thing I know there is a beep, and I slow, to a gentle jog… 9.7K at this point, I still had 5 minutes of “Cool down” I knocked it upto 6 minutes and 3 of those were a jog, so over the 10K mark I jogged just as the machine beeped and slowed to a fast walk, I had done it... 10K in 1 hour and 5 minutes… not bad for an overweight asthmatic who only gave up smoking 2 weeks ago and has never run 10K before, and never run for 1 hour before… and to be only 5 minutes off reaching the goal my PT set is an amazing feeling, so hopefully over the next three weeks I can work on making this run more stable and make my body more accustomed to it so I don’t even have to slow down once, and come off with less hurty feet :)
Sadly all of this losing myself in the moment, and the fact I needed to spend a LONG time stretching to ensure I didn’t make myself cease up totally meant that a long shower later and I ended up being nearly ½ hour late for work… Oops… so to compensate I was at work until 5:30 today as opposed to my normal 5:00.
As for my body, I seem to have fared very well, I have the odd ache but nothing serious, and no joint pain, but feet hurt a little, and I did have a blister or two. So all in all good… tomorrow is a spin session which will give my legs a rest, apparently… but we all know from last week that whatever it does, it does seem to “Spin off the pain!” so if I wake up tomorrow a little achy the spin session followed by my bubble in the Jacuzzi should get rid of that, and finish off the weeks training nicely!
So why am I mad enough to run the London Marathon I hear you all ask, well I am running to raise money for Asthma UK, who among many, MANY other things organise the ever popular Kick Asthma Holidays, Asthma UK's week-long Kick Asthma adventure holidays are for children and young people with asthma (and other related conditions). Combining physical and social activities such as abseiling, kayaking, discos and quizzes, with educational sessions that teach the youngsters more about how to control their asthma, the holidays give kids a great confidence boost and parents the chance to relax for a week, to find out more, and what else Asthma UK get upto pop along to http://www.asthma.org.uk and once you have and want to show your support pop along to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me to run the London Matathon 2012.
Until next time, hopefully still not aching!!
Jay (Red John).
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