Well here it is my first post on my Marathon Training Blog, yes that’s right I am running the London Marathon 2012 *Pauses for rapturous laughter and audience rolling on floor*
I am running for Asthma UK, Asthma is a condition that causes 3 people a day to die, 90% of these deaths are preventable… I had severe asthma as a child, and to this day still suffer if I have a cold or an allergic reaction, but thankfully I am now unmedicated and lead an active life, so it’s time to give something back, To find out more about Asthma UK, what they do, and Asthma in general take a look at their website http://www.asthma.org.uk
Also on an even more personal level, as some of my close friends will know, a few years back I was pushing on being obese, this is something I have taken control of and worked hard to put right, I feel now that I am the fittest I have ever been but do still have a spare tyre to lose before the “Big Day” but what an achievement eh? Overweight, Asthma sufferer crosses the finish line, raising LOADS for Asthma UK, crowning glory of my fitness regime.
I have a fund raising target of just £1600 so please give a much as you can, I’ve set up a fund raising page here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow don’t be scared if you can only afford £1 that’s plenty for me, everybody’s £1 together will make a huge difference to my fundraising total… let’s see if we can push the boundary’s even further and SMASH this target and more, I have chosen to use Virgin Money Giving, because you can sponsor me and donations will be quickly processed and passed to my charity. Virgin Money Giving is a NOT for profit organisation and will claim gift aid on a charity's behalf where the donor is eligible for this.
So… being my first post on my Marathon Training Blog, I guess you all want to know what I am doing to kick off my training, well as I am already a keen gym goer, and can regularly be found attending Spin sessions at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, getting into the fitness regime itself is not my number 1 priority, oh no, my priority this weekend is to quit the smoking… Again… so I am currently on what I am hoping will be my last packet, I have two left… I am not saying that I won’t pinch the odd one here and there over the weekend to stop me turning into a manic monster man, but by next week I hope to be off them, tall order? Yes but I have done it before, all I need is your support and encouragement, and your recipes for a 0% Fat, 0 Calorie Chocolate cake that provides all my nutritional needs for a whole day in one slice… possible?
Two ciggies left then and a Body Combat session on Sunday, then I will be speak to my gym about a re-program to get my endurance abilities up, running 26 miles is going to be no easy task, especially since I would like to be under the 4 hour barrier, but we will see J
Look forward to seeing you here for updates regularly, and I hope I have all your support.
Right here, right now is where the journey begins!
Jay (Red John)
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