About Me

My photo
Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Hi I'm Jay and I am training to run the London Marathon 2012 for Asthma UK.
Yes I am running the London Marathon, Yes I am mad, and Yes I plan to raise masses of money for Asthma UK.
So please follow me, and support me, with your help I can make it over that finish line.
My sponsorship page can be found by clicking here PLEASE support me by sponsoring me to run the London Marathon for Asthma UK.
And now a very short history about me... I am asthmatic myself and until a few years back was pushing on being obese, not only does running the Marathon give me the opportunity to give something back to such an important organisation, but it will be the crowning glory of my fitness regime, Asthmatic and overweight running 26 Miles for charity!
To find out more about what Asthma UK do visit their site by clicking here.

Friday, 27 January 2012

86 Days Left, and a breakthrough!

Good Evening Bloggers,

Well it's Friday, and 
I think I have finally recovered from my heady heights as a BBC Radio Suffolk star, people didn’t seem to think that it gave me the right to walk around like I was a celeb, couldn’t they have humoured me for a couple of hours?? Or at least sponsor me… Hey ho… If you would like to listen again to my Interview with Lesley Dolphin on BBC Radio Suffolk… You can find it here, I turn up at about 54 minutes in http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00n2qp5/Lesley_Dolphin_Rene_van_den_Oort_and_John_Clitherow/

So this morning I was up nice and early again, breakfast down and heading to the gym, I was a little late again on account of de-icing the car so they had already started the warm up, but I didn’t miss much.

The session was great, surprisingly so in fact as my knees have been a little achy from the run on Thursday, but it was great, I kept pace, I sweated loads and I worked HARD… And we got to do our interval track in the dark, sounds silly but it’s brilliant, lights off, Disco lights on and pedalling like mad to the beat, I love spin more and more every time I do it... but trust me it never gets easier it just keeps getting harder and harder, apart from the fact that they change it, and make each release harder anyway… as you get used to it you tend to put up the resistance, and push it harder, these two facts just make for a tougher workout, LOVE IT!

I also had a small breakthrough today, I picked up the wrong jeans and packed them in my gym bag, why is this a breakthrough you ask? Well I grabbed these jeans and pulled them on, realised they were tighter than the ones I should have had on and thought “Oh no, It’s the wrong trousers Gromit, I’ll never get these done up” I pulled them up, fastened the button and did up the zip… I was in shock it was a big WOW moment, I stood for a minute in awe… you see these jeans have always been too small for me, but I kept them in the hope that one day they would, and today they did, by the time all this had run through my head people were giving me an odd look from staring at my jeans, But hey here I sit in my fitting designer jeans, another small breakthrough.

Today food diary follows:
  • Breakfast: Two slices of toast, with Marmalade
  • Lunch: Left over Vegies (Broc & Leaks) and some baked beans
  • Dinner: Plain fried rice, Chicken and Veg in black bean sauce
So yes, dinner is a takeaway but I have made it reasonably healthy, and after the run an the spin this week I think i'm okay, and im quoting the 80/20 rule :)

Right now onto the important bit... As most of you will now know I am training to run the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for Asthma UK, to find out more about what they do visit their website at http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me whatever you can!

Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).

Thursday, 26 January 2012

87 Days Left, A long run, And the radio show!

Good Evening Readers,

Firstly… Yes you are right that was me you heard talking to Lesley Dolphin on BBC Radio Suffolk this afternoon, missed me… you can always listen again here  http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00n2qp5/Lesley_Dolphin_Rene_van_den_Oort_and_John_Clitherow/ I turn up at 54 minutes!! It was amazing and a real confidence boost to speak to Lesley and to talk about my blog, this blog, and what it means to me.

Well last night after I posted my blog I got very tired very fast, I put this down to a lack of a certain black fizzy drink that I tend to enjoy in the evenings, this week I have been cutting it down and last night I didn’t have a drop, just water… So I was in bed and long asleep by 10pm, if a little grumpy as my partner pointed out!

I awoke this morning and climbed out of bed at 6am, after breakfast I headed off to the gym to begin my long run.

First thing on today’s agenda I applied my “Body Glide” anti-chafe stick to the soles of my feet, and also my thighs where my shorts seem to rub, I got on the treadmill and began, first a walk while I was getting the music lined up on the iPod, gradually increasing the pace bit by bit until I broke into a gentle jog, I stayed here for 9 minutes, I then found my training tracks, now I haven’t used these new ones much yet, but they are on the beat training, you run to the rhythm, and as you go it tells you how long you have been running and how many beats per minute, it starts at 165… that is 165 foot falls per minute, it’s about 10 – 10.5KPH from this point the speed gradually increases through the workout, the music is upbeat and the rhythm is easy to follow, and a trainer keeps giving you motivational information and encouragement, and you just run…

20 minutes into the session is where I normally start to feel sore feet, blisters forming… I know it’s probably time to look into some new trainers but they aren’t that old… but I think maybe they could be a better fit, but nothing, this anti-chafe stick I had applied to the soles of my feet was stopping it, no blisters forming, no pain… then I realised my shorts weren’t rubbing, this was REALLY novel, and it just meant that now it was me, and the run.

I pushed on to 30 minutes, I was finding myself short of breath now, this wasn’t a surprise as I have only just recovered from a chest infection and this is the first long run since then, I have been putting it off rather for this reason so I wasn’t surprised, I slowed the pace to recover a little and took some deep breaths before picking up the pace again, it felt quite hard going from this point on, my breakfast felt like it was “Just there” I clearly didn’t get up early enough before I ran, but I carried on all be it at a little slower pace than I wanted to be at.

I hit 50 minutes, usually by this time I have done my 10K, this morning I was at 8.5K so not to bad seeing as it’s the first time back since the chest infection, and saving grace I did feel like I could have carried on at that pace up to the 10K, but sadly I was out of time, I needed to cool down and stretch out and take a shower before work, but all in all I was really pleased, Spin session tomorrow… then I intend to run at the weekend too!

Once I got to work I spent most the rest of the morning thinking about my Radio interview with Lesley, I think I was a little nervous as we all would be but also very excited, I couldn't wait to speak with her, and hopefully show you all how passionate I am about this, about my fitness, about running the London marathon, and raising money for Asthma UK.

So what have I been eating today:
  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs on home-made Wholemeal bread (yeah it's the same loaf still going)
  • Post Run: Protein Shake and an orange
  • Lunch: Bubble and Squeak patty
  • Dinner: Bubble and Squeak patty (this is the last one) and some spicy beans... Oh, and a lil bit of Chocolate cake, I figure today I am allowed!
All in all I think it's been a pretty amazing day, Good food, Great workout, brilliant chat with Lesley, my confidence and my enthusiasm is running high... I am having a real buz!

So what's all this about, well right now my goal is to run the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for Asthma UK, Did you know that 75% of hospital admissions for asthma are preventable, and 90% of all deaths caused by asthma can be saved? Asthma UK are working towards this, but they need our help, to find out more visit http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my Virgin Money Giving site at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me to run the London Marathon, why not sponsor me just £1, maybe £1 a mile? Whatever you can afford, anything is amazing!

Live Strong, and see you all VERY soon,
Jay (Red John).

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

88 Days Left, and BOY it's hot in here...‏

Good evening readers,

Firstly I will start with a little reminder... listen out for me on BBC Suffolk Radio tomorrow at 1:30ish on Lesley Dolphin's show, All About Suffolk :)
Well this morning I was up at the usual time and heading into the gym for my Pilates session, it went very well today I am starting to feel stronger and find some of the moves much easier than they were a few weeks back… and finding it easier to stand up straight and hold myself correctly, although I still seem to have a habit of slouching at my desk… oops.

So after Pilates I headed to the Jacuzzi where I met my friend from yesterday, who commented “See I recognise you now your in your trunks” I had a bubble in the still rather foamy Jacuzzi and then went to steam my aching muscles, all good.
Now I know that some people feel the cold more than others, and I do understand that sitting in an all-male office I have the luxury of the thermostat staying on a constant 22’C summer or winter, and granted my Muscles are always warm at the moment and my metabolism burning like mad, but today I had to nip up to another office, I walked in the door and already felt the heat hit, it was like an oven… when I then started doing what I needed I felt REALLY embarrassed, all I had to do was move one piece of furniture, open up the back of a desk and plug in a few cables, well I was pouring with sweat, drenched, I was sweating more than I do in a spin class, I was protesting “Honestly I am not unfit, I go to the gym every morning this is mad” luckily the lady who sits in this office agreed it was usually far to hot up there and that she just dresses accordingly, i.e. for summer… I finished up my job, put the desk back together and left, a little embarrassed and soaked, I then just stood outside in the wind for a good 5 minutes before I returned to my desk, back to normal… I have always known that my body is great at keeping itself warm, with the exception of my feet that I usually cover up of an evening, and my partner is often saying “It’s cold” when I am feeling fine, but I did think that was a little over hot, to be honest I can’t imagine how they stay awake up there in the afternoon.

It did make me think though, if I was unfit I would have been up there doing that work sweating like mad, and struggling with the heat the work would have taken me longer as my muscles wouldn’t have been able to cope, and my body probably wouldn’t have been able to regulate the temperature as fast as it did, I decided it was testament to how fit I actually am that my body with its muscles being hot from the gym, being thrown into a hot environment still managed to allow me to happily move furniture while trying to regulate my temperature, well this is my excuse and I am sticking to it!! But if it’s always that warm up there I am surprised there aren’t more ill people floating around.

So now that I have cooled off, I am sitting here feeling good from my Pilates, all I can feel at the moment is a slight muscle ache in my shin’s and shoulders, but nothing that will stop me, and as I think I have probably said before DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscular Soreness) left over from exercising is often a very nice feeling, you see to grow muscles we have to “damage” them… well that is lifting the weights or working out causes very small micro-tear’s, the body then rebuilds this damage only making it stronger, hence our muscle mass grows, the body is making an effort to say “Oh, I don’t want that to happen again, so I’ll make it better” This is how our muscles grow… and this is why we get this gentle ache, and that makes me feel good, it means I have worked hard enough for my body to need recovery, this means at I sit here “Repairing” myself, every minute I am getting stronger… HOW COOL IS THAT!? You know maybe I should become a Personal Trainer? This stuff AMAZES me!

Time to discuss the food…
  • Breakfast: Eat Natural Bar
  • Post Workout: Protein Shake
  • Morning Snack: Apple
  • Lunch: Sausage sandwich (Made using my home-made bread)
  • Dinner: Bubble and Squeak, And a Protein Shake
Notice I have added in Post workout, I have been neglecting this... Generally I have a Protein shake after each workout as it just helps the muscle recovery, I haven't been putting this down but technically this too is a food, or should be classed as such.

I am really starting to get into this food diary thing, there are two main reasons for this, as I tend to write this blog throughout the day, 5 minutes here, 5 there, I means that to an extent I have to plan what I am cooking for dinner, so I don't have to change the blog, it also means that I am not deviating from my food and snacking on things I shouldn't as I would feel VERY guilty putting on there "Snack: Masses of Chocolate" so actually creating this food diary is giving me strength to say no to stuff that I shouldn't eat.

As you have all guessed by now, I am currently training to run the London Marathon to raise money for Asthma UK, this is an organisation that I have a great deal of admiration for, not always in the limelight but really out there saving lives, and they need our help... To find out more about what Asthma UK do, visit http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my Virgin Money Just Giving Page here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me, so toghether we can support Asthma UK.

Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

89 Days, And I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!

Good Evening friends,

So the date and time is set for the live chat about this very blog, Yes that's right, All being well I will be speaking to Lesley Dolphin on her "All About Suffolk" show on BBC Radio Suffolk at 1:30pm, Thursday afternoon... I am really looking forward to it, but at the same time I am a little nervous so listen in please, then feel free to call me afterwards and laugh at how awful I sounded :)

Back to the training, I was up this morning at 6:00, and getting myself ready for the gym... Sadly I realised I didn't have my lucky gym cap, well it's not really lucky as such but I have to wear a cap to cover the mess that is my hair at that time in the morning... I usually wear it until I've warmed up then just carry it around like my security blanket, sad? Yes a little!

So I don another cap and head to the gym with the intention of stopping at reception to claim back my cap, I arrived and sauntered up to reception where another regular was sorting something out, while someone was checking to see if my cap had been handed in the regular clocked me and said "Oh Hello, Didn't recognise you with your clothes on" at this point you could hear a pin drop and I went bright red, she bust out laughing before I could answer and said "oh, sorry, it's because we only ever see each other in the Jacuzzi so he has his trunks on" I think it made my morning I was giggling all the way to the changing room and I think it brightened the receptionists day to... Always happy to make people smile :)

Once all the frivolity was over, I got my iPod on and got up to the gym, where I popped my head in the door to the spin room and was re-united with my cap, this morning was gonna be a good one!

The workout went really well, It wasn't a full workout but I warmed up with a jog on the treadmill for 10 minutes, followed by chest press, I then grabbed a medicine ball and made a bee-line for the power plates, you will know from my previous blogs that this normally REALLY hurts, and I was ready for the pain, I stated off with my lunges an nothing, all was good, so I carried on and here I am now sitting here an my glutes are fine, I have a slight ache in my calves but thats it, nothing more... I was pleased, this means that my body is finally getting used to the power plate, and this means I am gaining strength, and therefore muscle mass... all good for burning more calories, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even when your just sitting here typing your blog with a cat on ya lap!

I carried on with the workout, Single arm row was next... sadly I had to drop the weight on this, I normally lift 18KG a side but today it just felt a little to heavy so I dropped to a 16KG and finished the workout, sadly I was now running out of time, so I had a cool down on the treadmill and stretched out... then hit the showers... I was feeling rather good, and very energised!

Tomorrow is a nice relaxing (yeah right) Pilates always good to stretch out and brilliant for building up the core muscles, it's funny to think that you can break a sweat not doing Cardio or lifting heavy weights, but if you are doing it right Pilates really does make you sweat.

Over to today's food diary:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs, with Salmon
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Dried fruit and nuts
  • Lunch: Home-made Onion and Butternut Squash soup, and two small slices of Home-made wholegrain bread
  • Dinner: Sausages, Mash and Cabbage
I have also been drinking mostly water today (always good to shed the lbs).

I also managed to re-stock on my Protein powder today, I had the last this morning after the gym, luckily I ordered some more and picked it up from the delivery depot today on my way home from work, it's a HUGE help for the muscles to recover and also keeps the apatite down as Protein is key for the body to recognise it's full.

So all in all a good day, and I have settled down with a glass of water to watch the biggest looser, I would love to pull big losses like they do each week, but the fact of the matter is they have people telling them what to eat, and when... AND they workout up to 4 time a day, something I can't manage with a full time job.

Now for the shameless plug, why am training so hard I hear you ask, well apart from my strong desire to get fitter and loose more weight I am also training to run the Virgin London Marathon to raise money for Asthma UK, to find out more about what they do take a look at http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my Sponsorship page http://uk.virginmoneyjustgiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me whatever you can, how about £1 a mile?!

Take care,
Jay (Red John)

Monday, 23 January 2012

90 Days to go, and the LONG sleep... Plus some AMAZING news!

Good Evening friends,

Well I left you on Friday having had a jam packed week, and let me tell you I am hoping to fit more in this week, although right this moment I am feeling like I will be to tired for the next month to do anything but by tomorrow morning, after a nice sleep I am sure I will be fine :)

So the weekend seemed to come and go in a flash and I didn’t manage to get to the gym as I planned, I went to bed Friday night aching from the week of exercise and didn’t climb out of bed until midday Saturday, as my partner commented this is VERY unlike me, I woke up once or twice but with no energy to more I turned over and went back to sleep… However once I was up I felt energised and my aches and pains were almost completely gone… clearly just what my body needed… however this did mean I was behind on the housework I had intended to do that morning!
Sunday again seemed to go in a flash, I was out of bed a little earlier at 9, having been awake but just comfy since about 7:30 but I had some errands to run so instead of taking the car I walked to a couple of shops and wandered back through a deserted industrial estate, this was harder than you might think as I seemed to spend most of the time walking against the wind, but that’s all more good exercise!!

Today I was up at 6ish (Later than I had planned) so I got myself going and headed off to the gym for my Spin session, I arrived just on time, but my card wouldn’t let me though… ARGGHHH… Turned out that the gym are cracking down on people without Photo’s on their account, a total oxy-moron seeing as it’s them who take the photos and thus if it’s not on the system it’s their fault… ahem… anyway, she insisted that she would just take a quick photo, Now she was lovely and it wasn’t her fault at all but like 6 minutes later and I don’t know how many fake smiles we got there, but those 6 minutes meant I had missed about 3 minutes of the warm up, and this morning I needed the full warm-up to ease into it but still I worked and I worked hard, Sue was as always amazing and kept us all motivated to the end, although I think everyone was feeling the fatigue this morning as Sue was struggling to get us to respond or answer back, in fact I think we were slow to respond to any stimuli, but we did it a good session, not my best, not amazing but still very good :) After that I went off for a bubble in a VERY foamy Jacuzzi!

The rest of this week is looking pretty busy, It's resistance training tomorrow, Wednesday is Pilates, Thursday may be a run if my "bodyglide" has arrived (this is to help stop blisters forming on my feeties) but if not then some more resistance training and a short run, and Friday spin… I am also hoping to catch my mate down the gym and arrange a swimming evening, he assures me with correct technique I can swim a mile in half an hour, we’ll see... and if I have any energy left an outdoor run at the weekend :)

Now onto the foodie bit… The weekend was a little messed up with my late sleep in but here goes:

  • Breakfast (A very late one): Protein Banana Pancake. 
  • Lunch / Dinner: Homemade Onion and Butternut Squash soup, with 2 slices of Homemade Wholegrain Bread (Even the chicken & veg stock for the soup was homemade, HOW GOOD ARE WE? 
  • Breakfast: Small bacon sandwich, made with homemade Wholegrain bread. 
  • Lunch: Slice of homemade Wholegrain bread, with some spread. 
  • Dinner: Roast Chicken, Roast Pots, Yorkie Pud, LOADS a broccoli and some leaks, with 1 glass of wine, OH and homemade Gravy.
And that takes us onto Today (Monday):
  • Breakfast: Cereal Bar (Well I was running late) 
  • Lunch: Baked beans on a left over yorkie pud 
  • Dinner: Homemade Onion and Butternut Squash soup and another couple a slices of homemade bread. 

Verdict? Well I don’t think there is anything in there to bad so were looking good, and I am sticking to my homemade only bread, this way I have allot less as it's only when I make it, AND I know exactly what's in it, not only this but today biccies were opened at work, and even with much goading to "Eat them" from my colleagues I didn't touch a single one of the 150 calorie delights! 

I've also had some AMAZING news today, BBC Suffolk Radio are doing pieces on blogs, and they are interested in featuring my blog, so all being well I will be featuring on Lesley Dolphin's "All about Suffolk" show... How amazing... but watch this space, you'll read more as I know!

So then, what's this all about, well I am blogging my progress as I train to run the London Marathon to raise lots of money for Asthma UK, I feel Asthma UK is a largely overlooked charity, Asthma UK's work is extremely important in helping the millions of people who suffer with this debilitating condition, to find out more about Asthma UK visit http://www.asthma.org.uk then please PLEASE pop along to my fundraising page here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me to run the London Marathon, Anything you can afford is amazing, how about £1 a mile, or even just £1, if everyone who reads this gives just £1 i'll be MUCH closer to my fund raising goal!

Love Strong,
Jay (Red John)

Friday, 20 January 2012

93 Days Left, and my Glutes are killing!

Here we are then Friday finally arrived, and not before time... what a week, training is really back on track, and thank god with only 93 days to go!

So this morning I clambered out of bed a little late, with a few aches left over from the resistance training yesterday, mostly my legs and my Glutes... I blame the power plate, lunges on that with a 10kg medicine ball held straight out at chest height followed by squats is mad, it's really painful just doing the exercises on it, let alone how your muscles feel as they recover.

Once I got myself going I and into the spin session, other than being a little warm in the room all was good, my muscles all seemed to ease enough to let me work, and work I did... nasty as it sounds I was pouring with sweat, just what I wanted, and needed... The working hard that is not the sweat!

Knowing that my muscles were a little fragile and the fact that Spin really works the Glutes, especially when you are out of your seat and 'climbing' I headed to the Jacuzzi to stretch out a little and relax the muscles, after that I went for a steam :o) Do you ever feel like a vegetable?

So all in all a REALLY successful training week, I already have Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning's next week booked with activity's and the possibility of an evening or two swimming, so not sure if I will visit the gym over the weekend, but we will see, might be nice to do a little resistance on Sunday?! So now I am just left with achy shoulders and my Glutes are killing me, so much so getting out of this seat is a major effort, once I am up and moving it eases and I'm okay, but it's that transitional stage in-between :o)

So food wise today:

  • Breakfast: Eat Natural Cereal Bar (Love these)
  • Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, with Salmon & Bacon
  • Dinner: Crispy Duck, Mushroom rice and Curry Sauce... Ooops
Okay so Dinner wasn't so good, and I am sure there was an apple in there somewhere in the afternoon, but I am working on Davey Waveys 80/20 rule to gloss over Dinner, the rice was okay-ish... just the Duck and the Curry Sauce I should have left alone, but I already know what tomorrows breakfast is going to be and it's a healthy Protein and Banana pancake get me!

On that note I will leave you with my links, to remind you where you can sponsor me... To find out more about Asthma UK take a look here and to sponsor me click here :o) sponsor me whatever you can but please do sponsor me... OH and follow the blog to see how I am getting on... the links are at the top of the page!!

Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).

Thursday, 19 January 2012

94 Days left, and a swimming challenge to take up!!

So there are 94 Days left, I have been up every morning this week and got to the gym, and so far I have no aches or pains!!

What have I been up to I hear you ask? Well Wednesday morning I was up and headed to Pilates, I had a great session and caught the instructor at the end to speak about my posture; I have already spoken to her about it once before and despite her advice I still haven’t managed to straighten up and walk right… I seem to have this permanent appearance akin to that of the Hunchback of Nostradamus… so I had a chat, showed her how I stand up straight and explained how it doesn’t seem to last, she had a little look at me and noted the way my shoulders have a tendency to pull in towards my chest, and this is the cause, I need to get my chest muscles stretched out, and strengthen my shoulders.

To strengthen my shoulders I have to lay on my front and lift my shoulders off the ground, hold and then slowly release… To stretch my chest I have to effectively lean / hang in a doorway until I feel the stretch… something so simple I can give it a go at home each day and see how I get on!

Post Pilates I went for a bubble in the Jacuzzi :o)

My Wednesday food diary consisted of…

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs (Just eggs, no butter, milk, or even toast) and 2 rashers of bacon (It needs using).
  • Morning Snack: Dried Fruit Mix, Orange.
  • Lunch: Bubble & Squeak (Leftovers from the night before).
  • Dinner: Poo loads of diet coke and a couple of larger shandy’s.
Okay, okay so I know Dinner was not all it cracked up to be, but it wasn’t by design I was out with a friend… and not drinking as not only does drinking and driving NOT mix but also Alcohol is BAAD for muscle mass, although I am sure the chemicals found in Diet coke would probably be just as bad for me in other ways!

On a plus note, while we were out we visited my friends at Issacs on the quay, I was keen to see my advertisement on their TV screens they have kindly put up for me, within 5 minutes of arriving there is was bold as brass, loads of information about me, what I am up to, links to the websites and my ugly mug… Let’s hope it gets me some sponsors so that I can really get things moving, go have a look… follow the links… donate ;o)
So this all brings us nicely onto Today, Even thought I was late home last night I managed to get up and get to the gym for 7, I did a pretty full set of resistance, then about 15 minutes of cardio just before a cool down… I pinched a spin bike in the spin studio for this, and turned up the epic tunes on the trusty iPod (Other media players are available).

Throughout all of this however for some reason my earphones were really annoying me, I have yet to find a really good pair for gym use… ho hum.

But also after a chat with a mate just as I was leaving the gym, he thinks rather than pay for a PT I should just come and join him at the gym on the odd evening (as well as my morning routine) and swim, he is currently swimming 1 mile in around 30 minutes, this is really good going, I can only manage it in about 45 minutes best, he is however doing his front crawl, something I am not able to do I tend to swim most of mine breast stroke… he is sure he can teach me to swim front crawl properly so that I don’t run out of puff… So… I think I might take him up on the challenge :o) Besides, I like training with people!

So far then today’s food diary is as follows...

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs (Again nothing bad added) with salmon bits.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Another small dried fruit bag… oh and an apple.
  • Lunch: Tuna Mayo (Low fat mayo) with a sprinkle of cheese, spread on Ryvita
  • Dinner: Covent Garden Thai Chicken Soup
Did I mention over the weekend I discovered the AMAZING invention of Bitter Dough… supposed to be much better for you than yeasty bread… and BOY did I like it, very filling too! Anywho…
Tomorrow I am off for a spin session, and I am feeling very energised at the moment so the hope is that I will have LOADS of energy for the session and be able to push myself really hard… So far this week things are going rather well!!

OH… AND… I WON THE LOTTERY!! It was a whole £2.50 yaay!

So why am I doing this? Well I am going to run the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for Asthma UK, a seriously overlooked charity who actually save lives... find out more at http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my Sponsorship page and sponsor me even just a little, how about £1 a mile? My Sponsorship page can be found here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow Thank ya :o)

Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

96 Days and counting!!

Well there are 96 days remaining, and counting… and so far this week has been VERY successful, firstly on Saturday I went to see Marcella at ISSACS on the Quay to hand over the presentation to be shown on their TV screens and to collect my £50 sponsorship they kindly provided, so as of Saturday I am now on display at ISSACS On the Quay for all to see, so if you find yourself down there for a drink or two keep an eye on the screens and look out for me.

Then having been gearing up to get back to the training with a vengeance last week, so far this week I have been twice, Monday I managed a full on spin session and today I did a 5K run, yes not that of the 10K I was doing, but seeing as this was the first run since the chest infection I thought 5K was a good start, and I managed it in just over half an hour, not to dusty, room for improvement though... Having said all that as the day has rolled on my knees have started to ache just a little, time to reach for the Glucosamine I think!

So what of the rest of the week, well… I have Pilates booked in for tomorrow, get some core strengthening going and give the cardio a little break, and then Thursday I will be doing a full resistance set in the gym, and a little cardio, and Finally on Friday I will be spinning off the pain :) But I will keep you posted each day where I can!

I have to admit today, I felt a little defeated initially only running 5K, but then a friend of mine stopped on his way past weights in hand and said he'd been away from the gym for a while with a chest infection to, it's clearly been doing the rounds, but what a time to get it... it bought back the asthma to, I have the blue inhaler with me at all times again now :( Still I hope to build my stamina back up as soon as possible, but I do need to keep in the back of my mind that I am still recovering so I do need to take it a little easy and keep the puffer handy, Breathe out... deep breath in... PUFF!

I think it's time I started to put down what I am eating again, I find it helps me to document it, Breakfast sadly was just a cereal bar, but not one of those pretend ones with no goodness and 100,000 calories, no it was an Eat Natural bar, this was followed after my run by a protein shake and a couple of clementine’s when I got to work, Lunch consisted of Scrambled Eggs with Salmon, and dinner will be bubble and squeak with a sausage or two.

So what’s all this for, well I am going to run the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for Asthma UK, I already have £270 but I am a LONG way off my goal of £1600 so I am hoping all you will help me and support Asthma UK and give just a little, even just £1… Find out more about Asthma UK here
http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my sponsorship page http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow

Live Well,
Jay (Red John).

Friday, 13 January 2012

100 Days to go!

Good Morning People,

Well here we are as of today there is 100 Days to go to the Marathon and do I feel prepared? Noo!!

So as some of you know I have been rather ill of late, I got a cold early in November but struggled through, still training although nowhere as hard, I was then hit with a bad back that laid me up for a good couple of weeks (Who’d do gardening eh) this was then followed by another nasty cold that seemed to hang around for a good couple of weeks, allowing a nice heavy chest infection to set in late in December, Breathing was a nightmare as this aggravated my Asthma, and a swift trip to the doctors was required, I was then placed on Steroids, Antibiotics and a blue inhaler that I have now taken to carrying everywhere with me.

But fear not, I am now on the mend and have returned to the gym this week, I have had two visits so far, Wednesday was Pilates… I thought this would get me moving and toning up things, but not be to manic for the lungs.

Today was Spin, my favourite… So up I got this morning and off to the gym, I was a little concerned when I walked out to the car as every other car in the car park was frozen, I was already late, but as if a matter of fait my car was merely a little damp, no ice at all!!

So I made it, got the bike set up and hoped on… this is where things really started to go mad, I think it was probably a combination of be being off for a little while, and still being in recovery, or even just the trainer was cruel but today’s session was amazing, by the end of it, on the last track that was it my legs were having no more of it and I couldn’t keep pace, but I felt good, I had worked hard I have worked well, I couldn’t have worked more this morning if I had of tried… I was VERY pleased and immediately tried to book for Sunday, sadly no dice.. All full!

This weekend I will be up at the gym at least once, little bit of a swim I think and a relax in the Jacuzzi, but next week will be full swing with some kind of activity every day, So far Monday and Friday are Spin, Wednesday is Pilates Tuesday I think I may do a short run, and Thursday maybe swim a mile.

So watch this space, 100 Days to go!... And counting.

Jay (Red John).