About Me

My photo
Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Hi I'm Jay and I am training to run the London Marathon 2012 for Asthma UK.
Yes I am running the London Marathon, Yes I am mad, and Yes I plan to raise masses of money for Asthma UK.
So please follow me, and support me, with your help I can make it over that finish line.
My sponsorship page can be found by clicking here PLEASE support me by sponsoring me to run the London Marathon for Asthma UK.
And now a very short history about me... I am asthmatic myself and until a few years back was pushing on being obese, not only does running the Marathon give me the opportunity to give something back to such an important organisation, but it will be the crowning glory of my fitness regime, Asthmatic and overweight running 26 Miles for charity!
To find out more about what Asthma UK do visit their site by clicking here.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

94 Days left, and a swimming challenge to take up!!

So there are 94 Days left, I have been up every morning this week and got to the gym, and so far I have no aches or pains!!

What have I been up to I hear you ask? Well Wednesday morning I was up and headed to Pilates, I had a great session and caught the instructor at the end to speak about my posture; I have already spoken to her about it once before and despite her advice I still haven’t managed to straighten up and walk right… I seem to have this permanent appearance akin to that of the Hunchback of Nostradamus… so I had a chat, showed her how I stand up straight and explained how it doesn’t seem to last, she had a little look at me and noted the way my shoulders have a tendency to pull in towards my chest, and this is the cause, I need to get my chest muscles stretched out, and strengthen my shoulders.

To strengthen my shoulders I have to lay on my front and lift my shoulders off the ground, hold and then slowly release… To stretch my chest I have to effectively lean / hang in a doorway until I feel the stretch… something so simple I can give it a go at home each day and see how I get on!

Post Pilates I went for a bubble in the Jacuzzi :o)

My Wednesday food diary consisted of…

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs (Just eggs, no butter, milk, or even toast) and 2 rashers of bacon (It needs using).
  • Morning Snack: Dried Fruit Mix, Orange.
  • Lunch: Bubble & Squeak (Leftovers from the night before).
  • Dinner: Poo loads of diet coke and a couple of larger shandy’s.
Okay, okay so I know Dinner was not all it cracked up to be, but it wasn’t by design I was out with a friend… and not drinking as not only does drinking and driving NOT mix but also Alcohol is BAAD for muscle mass, although I am sure the chemicals found in Diet coke would probably be just as bad for me in other ways!

On a plus note, while we were out we visited my friends at Issacs on the quay, I was keen to see my advertisement on their TV screens they have kindly put up for me, within 5 minutes of arriving there is was bold as brass, loads of information about me, what I am up to, links to the websites and my ugly mug… Let’s hope it gets me some sponsors so that I can really get things moving, go have a look… follow the links… donate ;o)
So this all brings us nicely onto Today, Even thought I was late home last night I managed to get up and get to the gym for 7, I did a pretty full set of resistance, then about 15 minutes of cardio just before a cool down… I pinched a spin bike in the spin studio for this, and turned up the epic tunes on the trusty iPod (Other media players are available).

Throughout all of this however for some reason my earphones were really annoying me, I have yet to find a really good pair for gym use… ho hum.

But also after a chat with a mate just as I was leaving the gym, he thinks rather than pay for a PT I should just come and join him at the gym on the odd evening (as well as my morning routine) and swim, he is currently swimming 1 mile in around 30 minutes, this is really good going, I can only manage it in about 45 minutes best, he is however doing his front crawl, something I am not able to do I tend to swim most of mine breast stroke… he is sure he can teach me to swim front crawl properly so that I don’t run out of puff… So… I think I might take him up on the challenge :o) Besides, I like training with people!

So far then today’s food diary is as follows...

  • Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs (Again nothing bad added) with salmon bits.
  • Mid-Morning Snack: Another small dried fruit bag… oh and an apple.
  • Lunch: Tuna Mayo (Low fat mayo) with a sprinkle of cheese, spread on Ryvita
  • Dinner: Covent Garden Thai Chicken Soup
Did I mention over the weekend I discovered the AMAZING invention of Bitter Dough… supposed to be much better for you than yeasty bread… and BOY did I like it, very filling too! Anywho…
Tomorrow I am off for a spin session, and I am feeling very energised at the moment so the hope is that I will have LOADS of energy for the session and be able to push myself really hard… So far this week things are going rather well!!

OH… AND… I WON THE LOTTERY!! It was a whole £2.50 yaay!

So why am I doing this? Well I am going to run the London Marathon to raise much needed funds for Asthma UK, a seriously overlooked charity who actually save lives... find out more at http://www.asthma.org.uk then pop along to my Sponsorship page and sponsor me even just a little, how about £1 a mile? My Sponsorship page can be found here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow Thank ya :o)

Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).

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