So this morning I clambered out of bed a little late, with a few aches left over from the resistance training yesterday, mostly my legs and my Glutes... I blame the power plate, lunges on that with a 10kg medicine ball held straight out at chest height followed by squats is mad, it's really painful just doing the exercises on it, let alone how your muscles feel as they recover.
Once I got myself going I and into the spin session, other than being a little warm in the room all was good, my muscles all seemed to ease enough to let me work, and work I did... nasty as it sounds I was pouring with sweat, just what I wanted, and needed... The working hard that is not the sweat!
Knowing that my muscles were a little fragile and the fact that Spin really works the Glutes, especially when you are out of your seat and 'climbing' I headed to the Jacuzzi to stretch out a little and relax the muscles, after that I went for a steam :o) Do you ever feel like a vegetable?
So all in all a REALLY successful training week, I already have Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning's next week booked with activity's and the possibility of an evening or two swimming, so not sure if I will visit the gym over the weekend, but we will see, might be nice to do a little resistance on Sunday?! So now I am just left with achy shoulders and my Glutes are killing me, so much so getting out of this seat is a major effort, once I am up and moving it eases and I'm okay, but it's that transitional stage in-between :o)
So food wise today:
- Breakfast: Eat Natural Cereal Bar (Love these)
- Lunch: Scrambled Eggs, with Salmon & Bacon
- Dinner: Crispy Duck, Mushroom rice and Curry Sauce... Ooops
Okay so Dinner wasn't so good, and I am sure there was an apple in there somewhere in the afternoon, but I am working on Davey Waveys 80/20 rule to gloss over Dinner, the rice was okay-ish... just the Duck and the Curry Sauce I should have left alone, but I already know what tomorrows breakfast is going to be and it's a healthy Protein and Banana pancake get me!
On that note I will leave you with my links, to remind you where you can sponsor me... To find out more about Asthma UK take a look here and to sponsor me click here :o) sponsor me whatever you can but please do sponsor me... OH and follow the blog to see how I am getting on... the links are at the top of the page!!
Live Strong,
Jay (Red John).
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