About Me

My photo
Ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Hi I'm Jay and I am training to run the London Marathon 2012 for Asthma UK.
Yes I am running the London Marathon, Yes I am mad, and Yes I plan to raise masses of money for Asthma UK.
So please follow me, and support me, with your help I can make it over that finish line.
My sponsorship page can be found by clicking here PLEASE support me by sponsoring me to run the London Marathon for Asthma UK.
And now a very short history about me... I am asthmatic myself and until a few years back was pushing on being obese, not only does running the Marathon give me the opportunity to give something back to such an important organisation, but it will be the crowning glory of my fitness regime, Asthmatic and overweight running 26 Miles for charity!
To find out more about what Asthma UK do visit their site by clicking here.

Monday, 23 January 2012

90 Days to go, and the LONG sleep... Plus some AMAZING news!

Good Evening friends,

Well I left you on Friday having had a jam packed week, and let me tell you I am hoping to fit more in this week, although right this moment I am feeling like I will be to tired for the next month to do anything but by tomorrow morning, after a nice sleep I am sure I will be fine :)

So the weekend seemed to come and go in a flash and I didn’t manage to get to the gym as I planned, I went to bed Friday night aching from the week of exercise and didn’t climb out of bed until midday Saturday, as my partner commented this is VERY unlike me, I woke up once or twice but with no energy to more I turned over and went back to sleep… However once I was up I felt energised and my aches and pains were almost completely gone… clearly just what my body needed… however this did mean I was behind on the housework I had intended to do that morning!
Sunday again seemed to go in a flash, I was out of bed a little earlier at 9, having been awake but just comfy since about 7:30 but I had some errands to run so instead of taking the car I walked to a couple of shops and wandered back through a deserted industrial estate, this was harder than you might think as I seemed to spend most of the time walking against the wind, but that’s all more good exercise!!

Today I was up at 6ish (Later than I had planned) so I got myself going and headed off to the gym for my Spin session, I arrived just on time, but my card wouldn’t let me though… ARGGHHH… Turned out that the gym are cracking down on people without Photo’s on their account, a total oxy-moron seeing as it’s them who take the photos and thus if it’s not on the system it’s their fault… ahem… anyway, she insisted that she would just take a quick photo, Now she was lovely and it wasn’t her fault at all but like 6 minutes later and I don’t know how many fake smiles we got there, but those 6 minutes meant I had missed about 3 minutes of the warm up, and this morning I needed the full warm-up to ease into it but still I worked and I worked hard, Sue was as always amazing and kept us all motivated to the end, although I think everyone was feeling the fatigue this morning as Sue was struggling to get us to respond or answer back, in fact I think we were slow to respond to any stimuli, but we did it a good session, not my best, not amazing but still very good :) After that I went off for a bubble in a VERY foamy Jacuzzi!

The rest of this week is looking pretty busy, It's resistance training tomorrow, Wednesday is Pilates, Thursday may be a run if my "bodyglide" has arrived (this is to help stop blisters forming on my feeties) but if not then some more resistance training and a short run, and Friday spin… I am also hoping to catch my mate down the gym and arrange a swimming evening, he assures me with correct technique I can swim a mile in half an hour, we’ll see... and if I have any energy left an outdoor run at the weekend :)

Now onto the foodie bit… The weekend was a little messed up with my late sleep in but here goes:

  • Breakfast (A very late one): Protein Banana Pancake. 
  • Lunch / Dinner: Homemade Onion and Butternut Squash soup, with 2 slices of Homemade Wholegrain Bread (Even the chicken & veg stock for the soup was homemade, HOW GOOD ARE WE? 
  • Breakfast: Small bacon sandwich, made with homemade Wholegrain bread. 
  • Lunch: Slice of homemade Wholegrain bread, with some spread. 
  • Dinner: Roast Chicken, Roast Pots, Yorkie Pud, LOADS a broccoli and some leaks, with 1 glass of wine, OH and homemade Gravy.
And that takes us onto Today (Monday):
  • Breakfast: Cereal Bar (Well I was running late) 
  • Lunch: Baked beans on a left over yorkie pud 
  • Dinner: Homemade Onion and Butternut Squash soup and another couple a slices of homemade bread. 

Verdict? Well I don’t think there is anything in there to bad so were looking good, and I am sticking to my homemade only bread, this way I have allot less as it's only when I make it, AND I know exactly what's in it, not only this but today biccies were opened at work, and even with much goading to "Eat them" from my colleagues I didn't touch a single one of the 150 calorie delights! 

I've also had some AMAZING news today, BBC Suffolk Radio are doing pieces on blogs, and they are interested in featuring my blog, so all being well I will be featuring on Lesley Dolphin's "All about Suffolk" show... How amazing... but watch this space, you'll read more as I know!

So then, what's this all about, well I am blogging my progress as I train to run the London Marathon to raise lots of money for Asthma UK, I feel Asthma UK is a largely overlooked charity, Asthma UK's work is extremely important in helping the millions of people who suffer with this debilitating condition, to find out more about Asthma UK visit http://www.asthma.org.uk then please PLEASE pop along to my fundraising page here http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnClitherow and sponsor me to run the London Marathon, Anything you can afford is amazing, how about £1 a mile, or even just £1, if everyone who reads this gives just £1 i'll be MUCH closer to my fund raising goal!

Love Strong,
Jay (Red John)

1 comment:

Random Woman said...

I'm so pleased Lesley's show wants to feature your blog. When i went on I knew yours would be perfect for this slot. You're doing so well mate. keep going. xx